Low Home Supply Is A Sweet Spot For Home Sellers

In the ever-fluctuating real estate market, timing can be everything. For homeowners contemplating selling their property, understanding market dynamics is crucial to maximizing profit and ensuring a smooth transaction. One of the most favorable conditions “sweet spot” (as they call it) for home sellers is a market characterized by low home supply. When the inventory of homes is limited, home sellers find themselves in a sweet spot, reaping significant advantages. In this blog, we’ll explore why low home supply creates ideal conditions for sellers, how it impacts home values, and why now is the perfect time to put your home on the market. Whether you’re considering selling to upgrade, downsize, or relocate, understanding the current market landscape will empower you to make the most informed and profitable decision.

In a market with low housing inventory, sellers hold a distinct advantage. With fewer homes available, buyer competition intensifies, often leading to multiple offers and bidding wars. This heightened demand not only drives up home prices but also allows sellers to negotiate more favorable terms, such as faster closing times or fewer contingencies. The scarcity of available properties creates a sense of urgency among buyers, making your home stand out even more. For homeowners, this scenario translates to higher potential profits and a smoother, quicker sale process. By recognizing and leveraging this “seller’s sweet spot,” you can maximize your returns and ensure a successful transaction in today’s competitive real estate market.

The Economics of Supply and Demand: A Look at Seattle’s Market Data

Seattle home sellers! You are in a sweet spot right now and let me show you why!

According to this graph of National Data, across America we have 15% more homes for sale than we did at this time last year which means inventory is higher but according to the comparison between now and 2019 we actually have 40% fewer homes. In the realm of economics, the relationship between supply and demand is a fundamental principle that dictates market behavior. When the supply of a product or service is low and demand remains constant or increases, we inevitably see rising prices. This phenomenon is a cornerstone of economic theory and plays out in various markets around the world.

In Seattle, the housing market provides a clear example of this dynamic. Over the past few years, the supply of available housing has not kept pace with the growing demand. This disparity has led to a significant increase in home prices. The city’s booming tech industry has attracted a large influx of new residents, all vying for a limited number of housing units. As a result, prices have soared, making Seattle one of the most expensive housing markets in the country.

Population Growth: Seattle’s population has been steadily increasing, driven by job opportunities and the city’s overall appeal. This rise in population translates directly into higher demand for housing.

Housing Supply: Despite efforts to build new homes, the supply has not matched the pace

of demand. Zoning laws, limited land availability, and lengthy construction times contribute to the slow growth in housing supply.

Price Trends: With high demand and low supply, the natural consequence is rising prices. Over the past decade, Seattle’s median home price has increased dramatically, reflecting the economic principle we discussed.

Why NOW is the Perfect Time to Sell Your Home!

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We’ve got Seattle, Bellevue, King County and Snohomish County on the map, you can see that Seattle is up 14.5% in Seattle from inventory homes for sale over where we were last year but in other parts of the market that is not true. In Belleview we’re only up 1% in King County we’re up less than 1% and in Snohomish County we actually have fewer homes available than we did at this time last year so that is a great sign for these prices, not only are we down below where we were in 2019 and most of our markets were down below where we were just last year in 2023. What this means is when you go to sell your house you will not have a lot of competition buyers have already started moving into the multiple offer range here this spring in 2024 and that may continue in the future.

While we typically observe increased inventory entering the market as we progress into spring, with a peak during the summer months, we aim to strike a balance. We don’t want the market to become overly tight, making it challenging for potential homebuyers to find their dream home. Often, sellers transition into buyers themselves, and we want to avoid a scenario where they hesitate to sell due to limited buying options, as seen in recent years. Fortunately, the current market isn’t as constrained. Following the sale of your home, you’ll be in an excellent position to secure a replacement property. As highlighted in a recent realtor.com article, while there’s been an uptick in homes for sale and new listings, the inventory levels are still on the path to pre-pandemic norms. Thus, we’re still in a seller’s market, offering an excellent opportunity to sell your home with eager buyers ready to make reasonable offers.

Take Advantage of Selling Your Home During a Balanced Market

As we move through spring and into summer, we typically see an increase in housing inventory, creating a more balanced market. This shift is crucial for both sellers and buyers. Unlike the extremely tight markets of 2020, 2021, and 2022, where finding a new home post-sale was a challenge, the current market conditions offer a unique opportunity.

With improved inventory levels, home sellers are well-positioned to not only sell their homes at competitive prices but also find suitable new homes without the intense competition previously experienced. A recent article from realtor.com underscores this trend, noting that while inventory levels are rising compared to last year, there’s still room for growth to reach pre-pandemic levels. This means that home sellers can still benefit from strong buyer demand while having more options available for their next purchase.

Finding The Perfect Balance In The Real Estate Market

Now is an excellent time to capitalize on these sweet spot! You can confidently list your home, knowing that you’ll attract serious buyers ready to make reasonable offers. Simultaneously, you’ll be in a strong position to find your next home, avoiding the “locked up” effect where home sellers hesitate due to limited buying choices. Embrace the balanced market and take advantage of the opportunities it presents for both selling and buying your home.

Maximize Your Home Sale Today!

Low inventory levels create prime conditions for sellers by boosting property values and intensifying buyer competition. The principle of supply and demand, as demonstrated by Seattle’s real estate data, highlights how limited housing availability coupled with steady or increasing demand results in higher prices. This pattern is evident in regions such as Seattle, Bellevue, King County, and Snohomish County, where inventory remains restricted.

Although we generally observe an increase in home listings as we move through spring and summer, the current market still favors sellers. These balanced conditions present an exceptional opportunity for homeowners to sell at attractive prices while also having the ability to find new homes without the fierce competition experienced in the past few years. Recent trends indicate a gradual rise in inventory, yet levels are still working their way back to pre-pandemic standards, keeping the market favorable for sellers.

Now is a strategic time to take advantage of these market conditions. Listing your home now means attracting motivated buyers ready to offer competitive bids. At the same time, you’ll be in a favorable position to find a new property, avoiding the issue of limited buying options that caused hesitation among sellers in previous years.

Seize the opportunity provided by the current balanced market. By staying informed about the market landscape and making well-timed decisions, you can ensure a profitable and smooth real estate transaction.

Sell My House Now

Thinking about selling your house in the next six months? Call (206) 578-3438 or fill out this simple form.
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Emily Cressey

Emily Cressey is a real estate broker residing in Lake Forest Park, WA who services the Greater Seattle area including Shoreline, Mountlake Terrace, Brier, Lynnwood, Kenmore, Bothell and Edmonds, WA.

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