September 20, 2004

If you are considering selling your house to Emily Cressey, I say go for it! I called her when I needed help and she did exactly what I asked.
I don’t know if you have a problem property on your hands, but that’s how I felt about my house when I learned I’d have to sell it.
I’d been divorced from my husband for several years and had moved out of the home we’d once shared. Then one day out of the blue, my ex-husband called me saying that he was leaving town for a new job in Las Vegas and he was only making two more mortgage payments on the house and that was it. YIKES.

That was a problem for me because we’d bought the home together and if the payments didn’t get made, it would have reflected quite poorly on my credit report. Plus, I’d already bought another home for myself and didn’t have it in my budget to make a second mortgage payment for more than a short time. My credit was at stake and I needed to do something FAST.
I thought about listing it with a realtor, but the house was a fixer-upper when we bought it, and let’s just say my ex-husband didn’t finish up many of the projects around the house during his bachelor years staying there. In fact, when I first went into it after he left, I almost had a fit. The place was a mess. I had to take the day off of work to clean it before Emily came and it was still embarrassing for me to let her see it that way. I can’t count the number of garbage bags of STUFF we ended up hauling out of there.
When I met with Emily, we talked through the options, and I got her to make me an offer right then and there, despite the mess. She promised to take care of all the clean, up, painting and remodeling that needed to be done, and she promised to take over the monthly payments right where my husband left off. All I had to do was sort through all our belongings to find the things I wanted to keep.
In a way it was a blessing to have the house sold, and I’m certainly glad I called Emily’s sign and let her help me get it handled quickly. Even if your house is messy, outdated or past it’s prime, Emily may still be able to help you. It doesn’t hurt to give her a call. She’s very laid back and lets YOU make the decisions about what you want to do with YOUR house!
Candace B.
Lewisville, NC