Do You Reall Need A Buyer's Agent - Emily Cressey - Home Pro Associates

Do You “REALLY” Need A Realtor When Buying A Home?

Welcome to a thought-provoking discussion: “Do You ‘REALLY‘ Need A Realtor When Buying A Home?” Deciding whether to navigate the intricate world of buying a home on your own or enlist the expertise of a professional can be a pivotal moment in your home-buying journey. The question of Do You ‘REALLY’ Need A Realtor When … Continued

How To Sell A House “As-Is” By Owner In Seattle, WA

Are you considering selling your home “as-is” without the help of a real estate professional? This is known as “For Sale By Owner” or FSBO. Many homeowners consider this route, especially if their home needs repair. However, it’s not for everyone, so in this article, you’ll learn how to sell a house as-is by owner … Continued
Emily Cressey Seattle Real Estate Agent

Is It Worth It To Upgrade My Home Before Selling?

One of the most common questions people ask when they are thinking about selling their house is whether certain repairs will pay off. What I try to remind people is that if they have upgraded something in their home in the last couple of years, it will definitely improve the value. But it may not … Continued