Slowly but Surely: Embrace the Journey
and Savor Every Step
It wasn’t an easy transaction either. The lender they were working with was verrrrry slooooowwww and ended up delaying their transaction by almost three weeks. (This is why I recommend working with vetted lenders, who don’t do this.)
However, I called the buyer and lender daily (I even buzzed her from Sea World while I was on vacation) to continue to push the deal forward, cleared contingencies like getting water quality reports from their HOA, and worked closely with the Seller’s Agent, so we would not lose our seller, who was concerned about whether we would be able to close at all.
It was a pressure cooker of a deal, and a good illustration of why who you work with matters.
In the end, we HAPPILY got the job done. There was a LOT of cheering all the way around on this one. And the buyers were pleased to move in and make it their own – Jim even carried his beautiful bride over the threshold on the day of closing!!! Hurrah!
Congratulations on sticking with it, even when it was VERY TOUGH!
Well earned cheers on this one!