How To Sell A House “As-Is” By Owner In Seattle, WA

Are you considering selling your home “as-is” without the help of a real estate professional? This is known as “For Sale By Owner” or FSBO. Many homeowners consider this route, especially if their home needs repair. However, it’s not for everyone, so in this article, you’ll learn how to sell a house as-is by owner … Continued

Why Experience Matters When Choosing A Real Estate Agent For Your Seattle Probate Property

Selecting a knowledgeable and experienced probate realtor, losing a loved one is a hard thing to experience, but dealing with the legal hassle that comes with estates and court process makes the grieving process even worse. Probate happens when there is a death and the deceased person’s properties are sold or dealt with according to the local law and code. This can mean many legal proceedings and can take some time, and some probate real estate sales require court confirmation. During the probate process, all the property, assets, debts, and claims of the estate are inventoried and tallied. Then, all valid claims are settled and the remainder of the estate distributed among the beneficiaries in accordance with the will. If that sounds complicated, it is – especially when it involves property that must be sold. For it often happens that the decedent's real estate has to be sold in order to cover debt claims against the estate or so that the proceeds of the sale can be distributed to beneficiaries. But selling probate property is a much different animal from a traditional real estate sale. That's why experience matters when choosing a Seattle real estate agent for your Seattle probate property.

The Benefits Of Selling A Probate Property With A Seattle Agent

Whenever anyone dies there is a process in place to ensure that the assets are distributed according to law. Someone can die without a will, Intestate, or with a Will. In either case, Probate is required. When the fiduciary/beneficiary duties of handling a deceased loved one’s estate fall to a family member, the experience can be … Continued