How Your Listing Photos Impact The Sale of Your Shoreline, WA Home

At the most basic level, your photos need to look technically sharp and polished. Take them with a professional camera (or at least a very good smartphone camera), and make sure the shots are in focus, correctly exposed, and properly framed. Unappealing or amateurish shots won't sell. There was a time when you or your real estate agent would snap a few quick listing photos with a cheap disposable camera, and that was good enough.

Determining Your Property Value in Seattle, WA: Benefits of A CMA

When you're considering selling your property, a logical first step is to figure out what it's worth. Now, this doesn't mean the price you want (although can be an important consideration). Rather, what it means is the fair market value – what other comparable properties in the immediate area have sold for in the recent past. There are, then, definite benefits of a CMA for determining your property value in Seattle, WA.

How to Avoid Borrowing More Than You Can Afford When Buying a House in Shoreline, WA.

Buying your first home can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. You not only have to find the right place, but you also have to find the right mortgage. With low inventory in many local markets and rising home prices nationwide, finding an affordable home can be a challenge. When preparing to purchase a home, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and lose sight of practical financial matters. To help keep you on the solid fiscal ground while looking for your next home, let’s look at how to avoid borrowing more than you can afford when buying a house in Shoreline.