Should I sell "as is" or renovate my Shoreline, Washington house?

Should I Sell My Shoreline, WA Home As-Is or Renovate?

Before selling their homes in Shoreline, Washington, many local home owners wonder, "Should I sell my Shoreline, WA Home As-Is or Do Renovations?" If you have a home in Shoreline, WA that you've lived in for years, you may find that its beginning to show it's age. It probably never bothered you while you lived there and the house was full of your precious belongings, but if you're thinking about clearing this out, downsizing, and moving on, you may be starting to wonder if you should just sell it as-is, or go through the time, energy and effort of preparing your home to sell for top dollar?
Emily Cressey - HomePro Associates

North Seattle, WA Home Sellers: What To Watch Out For In An Overheated Seller’s Market

Dear Shoreline, WA home seller (or our other North Seattle and South Snohomish Neighbors),

I wouldn't be surprised if I've taken home buyers on MORE TOURS without having them buy anything this year than ever before. It's not because they don't WANT to buy a house - in fact, many have made offers on more than one home. But they're having trouble getting them accepted by sellers. Many sellers in our North End neck of the woods are getting 20+ offers on their homes.

Well, this all seems well-and-good from the seller's perspective, but there are a few "gotcha's" that you need to be aware of so you don't get "stung" when it comes to getting your house sold and your money deposited safely in your bank account.

3 Things To Expect When Selling A Townhouse In Shoreline, WA

An individually owned, single-family dwelling with at least two floors and usually sharing a wall with another such dwelling, a townhouse is a different animal from a single-family detached house or a condominium. As a result, selling a townhouse requires targeting a different kind of buyer with different needs. That’s why we want you to … Continued
House Hack A Seattle Condo

How to Sell Your Townhouse Fast in Shoreline, WA

Can you sell your townhouse fast today? It depends on your definition of fast. You need to sell your townhouse, and you want to sell it fast. But, compared to single-family houses and condos, townhouses present a unique set of challenges and offer different selling points that you need to keep in mind before you ever list. Today, you need to jump through hoops and hurdles. Endless streams of red tape. Agents. Commissions. And never-ending fees. These are the norm. Not the exception. Basically, for a fast sale, you need to get three things right: price, appearance, and marketing. With that in mind, we offer these tips on how to sell your townhouse fast in Seattle.

Should You Sell or Rent Your Townhouse in Snohomish?

It’s definitely a dilemma and sometimes a tough one to resolve. Should you sell or rent your townhouse in Snohomish? There is, of course, no one best across-the-board answer for every townhouse owner and every situation. Everyone’s situation, requirements, and expectations are unique. So we offer below some questions you can ask yourself to determine … Continued

5 Frugal Ways to Stage Your Townhouse for Sale in Seattle

It’s a plain, simple fact: staged homes sell faster. Studies have found that staged homes often sell in less than a fifth of the time it takes unstaged homes to sell. And having a home sit on the market for a long time is bad news indeed. The problem, though, is that professional staging can … Continued
Home Seller Tips

Selling Your Home Is Easy… But Will You Be Able To Find A New Replacement Property To Buy?

Thinking about selling, but worried you won’t be able to find a replacement property and you’ll be homeless?

Well, that’s a very understandable concern, clearly before you decide to sell one home, you have to have a plan for finding your next home!

I’ve got good news: There are many solutions to help you with selling your home and finding a replacement home even with limited inventory here in Seattle, Shoreline, Mill Creek and Bothell.