Are you looking to upgrade to a home with more work from home space or a bigger backyard for your kids to play in?
Maybe you need a bigger kitchen, so you won’t bump into each while you’re cooking?
Hi, I’m Emily Cressey with HomePro Associates at HomeSmart Real Estate here in Seattle.
I understand that looking for a new home, wondering if you’re going to find a replacement home with such limited inventory, thinking about all the paperwork, and getting everything out of the house and moving your things to a new location is stressful and sometimes, you just don’t want to deal with it.
Listen, I get that. Moving can be one of the most stressful things you’ll do in life. If you’re with me this far, I’m guessing maybe you’re playing around with the idea of moving. Maybe your family is growing and the house you have right now is getting too small.
Or maybe your home is too big, your wonderful kiddos have all moved out, the extra bedrooms are empty and you’re ready to move to someplace with less maintenance.
Well, I work with a team of professionals that will help make your move a breeze. We’ll be able to help you find your replacement home, even in this competitive market. We will also help you get your current home sold at the RIGHT PRICE, so you’ll end up getting MORE MONEY in your pocket.
How Much Is Your Puget Sound Home Really Worth?
Fill out the short form below to get a FREE 100% Accurate Home Value Report for your Puget Sound house with up to date nearby "sold" data and our recommendation on the trend of home values in your neighborhood.Thinking of Selling your home but you’re hesitant to sell in fear you will not find a new home in time?
Are you thinking of selling your house in Seattle, but hesitant to sell for fear you WON’T FIND A NEW HOME IN TIME!?!?
I totally get it… it’s a stressful situation and one that could make you lose sleep over! Hi I’m Emily Cressey with HomePro Associates at HomeSmart here in Seattle, Washington. I understand that the home buying and selling process can be stressful, especially when you have to do both…. Sell and Buy… at the same time!
Things can get complicated if your closings don’t align or it takes longer to sell or buy a house than anticipated.
So what happens when you sell your home and you have not found your new home yet? Are you going to be homeless? Well, you’re certainly going to be wondering where the heck are you going to live!
Because it’s a real concern, here are a few strategies for buying and selling your home that you can consider:
- You can consider finding a home to rent. Renting a house for a bit will give you more time to look for that perfect home without having to “settle” just because you feel you have to rush and pick one.
- Another choice would be to do a rent back from the new home buyer. In this scenario, you would complete the closing process with the buyer, and then you’d stay in the property for a period of time as a renter while you looked for your new house. This can be a good option if the new owners are flexible on their moving date. It’s also is good for you because then you’ll be in a stronger position, with cash in the bank, when you go to buy your next home.
- Another option is to ask the buyer to extend their escrow, meaning you ask the buyers if they are willing to push back the closing date to give you a little more time to find your next property.
- You could also consider expanding your home search to unlisted or off-market properties like FSBO’s (For Sale By Owner).
The bottom line is that there ARE options for you out there.
My team and I can explain these options in more detail and help guide you through this process.
In addition to what I’ve shared in this quick article, there are a few more strategies available can discuss to help you “bridge the gap” from your old home to your new home. I would be happy to help walk you through all your options and to help you find the best solution that will work for you and your family. Reach out to us at any time for anything, even if you’re months or years away from needing to do a real estate transaction, we are always here to help.
Tell Us What You Need!
We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.We Need More Space!
How many times have I heard this in the last year?
This “New Normal” is Cramping Our Style! We need more space! The kitchen table is covered with work, the family room is crowded with all the homework and school supplies! We need a bigger yard now that we have to stay home all the time. UGH! Help!

- If your “new normal” has you holding your plate to eat because there is no table space,
- If you are feeling crowded in the clutter and unable to focus on work because of all the distractions,
Then, maybe it is time to find a new place to live. Maybe you need a home with a home office or maybe an additional room that could be set up for as the “Zoom room” with all the learning supplies. Maybe one with a little land so you can play outside in the fresh air.
The trouble is, you aren’t the only one feeling that way.
The National Association of Realtors is showing a trend of people moving out of the city, into the suburbs and the countryside. We are certainly seeing heavy buyer action in Seattle’s suburbs this year. This sudden trend is creating a strong seller’s market in many areas. There just isn’t enough inventory for everybody, prices are going crazy, and houses are flying off the shelves.
Creating an offer that will be accepted in a competitive market is imperative. Timing the closings so that you aren’t homeless in between transactions is a plus. When selling, following up with your buyer and making sure they have their funding on track is key, especially if they’ve waived appraisal and financing.
There has never been a time where it’s been so important to have an excellent agent assisting you in utilizing the best strategies for listing your home and finding a new one.
Bottom Line: We Have Strategies That Can Help!
I’ve been in the real estate industry for 18 years and I have seen the ups and downs and survived in all sorts of markets. We know the creative solutions you need to have a successful transaction. If you are thinking of selling and buying in Shoreline, where I’m from, or anywhere in Seattle, Everett, or Bellevue, my team and I would love to assist you. Remember, we are here to serve!